About Issa Pharma

In the heart of Syria, the birthplace of many renowned historical innovations, a new beacon of pharmaceutical excellence emerged in 2011. This was the dawn of Issa Pharma, a pharmaceutical industry leader that has since redefined the landscape of health and wellness in the region.

Issa Pharma was conceived and headquartered in the picturesque city of Lattakia. Within five years of its inception, the company started production in 2016, quickly gaining recognition for its adherence to the latest international standards. Today, Issa Pharma stands as a testament to innovative health solutions, developed for the present and envisioned for the future.

What sets Issa Pharma apart is an unwavering commitment to quality. The company has earned an ISO 9001 Quality Management System certification, an accolade that reflects its dedication to delivering products that meet the highest standards. But Issa Pharma doesn’t stop at quality. It also carries an ISO 14001 Environment Management System certification, embodying its pledge to maintain sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

Safety and occupational health aren’t just buzzwords at Issa Pharma. They’re tenets ingrained in its DNA. This dedication is evidenced by the company’s OHSAS 18001 certification, a testament to its commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.

At Issa Pharma, every stage of work and production is executed in accordance with the latest prevailing principles of current good manufacturing practice of pharmaceutical preparations, cGMP. This steadfast adherence to established protocols has cemented Issa Pharma’s position as a trusted name in the pharmaceutical industry, not just in Syria, but on the global stage.

Issa Pharma’s story is one of relentless pursuit of excellence, an unwavering commitment to quality, and a strong belief in the power of innovation. It’s a tale of a company that started with a dream and, through dedication and hard work, has grown into a pharmaceutical powerhouse – a beacon of hope in the industry and a testament to the power of human ingenuity.

The Science of

Better Health

Our Goals

Our aim at Issa Pharma is not only to raise the health level in our society but also to be a beacon of trust and reliability in the pharmaceutical sector. Our dedication towards catering to the needs of the local market reflects our commitment towards public health welfare. With our quality pharmaceutical products, we aim to make a difference in individuals’ lives by enhancing their health and well-being. Over time, we have understood that raising health awareness among individuals is just as crucial as providing them with high-quality pharmaceuticals. With this understanding, we’ve undertaken several initiatives across Syria, aiming to educate people about various health issues and preventive measures. Our vision is not confined to being one of the leading companies locally; we aspire to extend our reach regionally as well. We believe that with our commitment towards quality, health, and trust, we can contribute significantly to shaping a healthier future for Syria and beyond. Our goal is not only to provide pharmaceutical solutions but also to become an integral part of the societal fabric by promoting healthy living standards.

Our Values

Issa Pharma continues to uphold its commitment to scientific standards. Our mission is to push the boundaries of pharmaceuticals, medicine, and health sectors by fostering innovation and continuous development. We deeply value trust – a fundamental cornerstone within our team, and extend this to our partners, customers, and even competitors. We believe that respect for all stakeholders is at the heart of creating a thriving, harmonious environment in the competitive pharmaceutical field. This ethos propels us to always strive for distinction in everything we do, from research and development to customer service. The quality of our health solutions is reflective of our commitment to improving lives, especially here in Syria where access to high-quality healthcare is crucial. Trust in Issa Pharma as your reliable provider of top-notch medicinal products, as we continue to lead the way in setting new benchmarks in the pharmaceutical industry.

Our Mission

Our main mission at Issa Pharma is to provide high-quality pharmaceuticals to help people lead a healthy life. This mission is deeply rooted in our commitment to our customers’ well-being and drives every decision we make. Trust, for us, is not just a word; it’s the foundation of our business. We understand the pivotal role we play in the health sector, especially in Syria, where the demand for reliable pharmaceuticals is on the rise. Quality and safety remain paramount in our operations as we strive to deliver superior pharmaceutical products that exceed all expectations. At Issa Pharma, we are constantly investing in research and development to stay ahead of health challenges and ensure our pharmaceuticals are up to date with the latest medical advancements. We believe that by focusing on health and quality, we can significantly contribute to improving lives across Syria and beyond. Our goal is not only to supply pharmaceuticals but also to be a dependable partner in healthcare, upholding the highest standards of quality and trust at all times.